What is computer?

PC(What is computer):- PC (Computer) is an electronic machine. which gives huge data under program control. 

or on the other hand obviously 

A Computer is an electronic contraption which wellsprings of information/course, stores and procedure it and made yield in the ideal structure, 

History of PCs : 
What is computer
What is computer

The word PC begins from the Greek work 'compute',which hopes to figure or to check. 

A PC is a machine that at first makes us compute.it is a stand-out electronic contraption. 

In the nineteenth century, "CHARLES BABBAGE " made the fundamental mechanical PC. it was known as the capability motor. 

The PC as we likely am careful it today had its start with a nineteenth century English science educator name Charles Babbage. 

He sorted out the Analytical Engine and it was this course of action the principal game plan of the PCs of today depend upon. 

Rule speaking, PCs can be assembled into three ages. Each age proceeded for a specific time of 

time,and each gave us either an on a par with can be normal PC or an improvement to the present PC. 

One of a kind

1937 – 1946 - In 1937 the fundamental electronic motorized PC was worked by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It was known as the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)."In 1943 s an electronic PC name the Colossus was worked for the  army force."Different movements proceeded until in 1946 the basic widely supportive motorized PC, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (E.N.I.A.C) was constructed. It is said that this PC estimated 30 tons, and had 18,000 vacuum tubes which was utilized for preparing. Precisely when this PC was turned in light of the fact that lights diminish in locales of Philadelphia. PCs of this age could basically perform single assignment, and they had no working structure. 

Second duration: 

1947 – 1962 - This season of PCs utilized transistors rather than vacuum tubes which were ceaselessly solid. In 1951 the fundamental PC for business use knew about general society; the Universal Automatic Computer (U.N.I.V.A.C 1). In 1953 the International Business Machine (IBM) 650 and 700 game-plan PCs emphatically shaped the PC world. During this season of PCs more than 100 PC programming tongues were made, PCs had memory and working frameworks. Farthest point media, for example, tape and plate were being used besides were printers for yield. 

Third time:

In 1963 - present - The improvement of merged circuit acquainted with us the third time of PCs. With this creation PCs reduced, considerably all the more predominant consistently solid and they can run a wide extent of errands in the mean time. In 1980 Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-Dos) was considered and in 1981 IBM presented the (PC) for home and office use. Following three years Apple gave us the Macintosh PC with its picture driven interface and the 90 s gave us Windows working framework. 

In perspective on the different climbs to the improvement of the PC we have seen the PC being utilized in each customary issue. It is an inconceivably steady contraption that will keep encountering new movement over the long haul.
